Brian's Wish came into existence from helping a friend. The idea behind what we are doing here is that as we age we may not speak of our dreams and those dreams may not be what we became as a professional ... BUT that doesn't mean that we stop dreaming. I would argue that our wish list or bucket list as we label it will grow and grow. Sometimes we get to check some of those items off but many times we never get that chance.
​We believe in giving a hand to those who need it. What if we could experience a moment of joy that has been dreamt of for a lifetime, sometimes. What if we could see the joy pass across someones face when there hasn't been any in quite a while. That is the goal. That is the purpose of what we are doing here.
Brian Cronauer was an awesome man! He had a deep love for his family, his friends and his country. Brian served in the United States Marine Corps for 13 years which included 2 combat tours in Libya and Bosnia as a Mechanic and a Flight Engineer. This time defined his work ethic and was the core of his leadership ethos. His service had a special place in his heart, always!
Brian has 4 children and see them as the pinnacle of his success in life. He felt that his amazing children were his prupose on Earth and he was beyond proud. Fortunately, Brian had the pleasure of having 11 grandchildren who brought him joy regularly.

The third time was the charm for Brian in marriage. Brian and his lovely wife, Tracey, spent more than 19 years together and everyone could see the depth of their love for one another. Brian had a passion for his friends and family. He would give a person the shirt off his back if they needed it and spend any time needed to support those in need.

Brian's Wish was founded on this very same mentality. We had the privilege of meeting Brian and helping him have a special event with his favorite football team.
Growing up in Pennsylvania, Brian never had the chance to see a home game. He had been able to attend other away games through his life but never at the home field in Pittsburgh. That changed in October 2022. We helped Brian experience the Jets vs Steelers game in a way he had always dreamt. That experience led us to start a charity that would, hopefully, help many others just like Brian realize a dream they’ve never let go.